Clean City Lab Papers
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The management of city cleanliness and of environmental projects based on objective data opens up a new field of possibilities. Together with our clients and organisations involved in environmental preservation, we identify the relevant points of action to achieve meaningful results. “Geneva Clean City Lab” is an innovative experimental laboratory by the City of Geneva and Cortexia, where this improvement process is implemented in the field through teams. The benefits are measured in order to provide effective, validated solutions for any other city.
A guide to best practices towards cleaner cities
1. New approaches to urban cleanliness management La propreté urbaine est un facteur essentiel de l'attractivité et de...
Cleanliness Management
Urban cleaning services have a fundamental role to play in the quality of life and sustainability of cities. They have...
Street litter bin, an unexplored potential
Do you need to clean more to have a clean city ? No, it is not necessary: cleaning less - in other words, acting on...
More efficient city cleaning thanks to the AI-driven cleanliness measurement
Keeping our cities clean requires substantial resources in terms of machines and personnel. Depending on the country...
The cities litter toll on oceans
Plastic pollution of the marine environment is currently one of the most growing concerns. Large amounts of floating...
Towards cities free of cigarette butt litter: Learnings from recent successes
The individual ordinary act of littering a cigarette butt does not give most smokers a feeling of spoiling the...
Cost of urban cleanliness: impressive differences between cities
Annual per capita cleaning costs can vary from one to four depending on the city. This means that there is a considerable resource for optimizing road construction works, provided that the costs can be objectified.
How much does it cost to clean your city?
The question of the cost of cleaning cities seems simple and legitimate, but very few are able to answer it. An analysis of the financial information published on the websites of Swiss and European municipalities would not help.
What is the impact of clean cities on the environment?
Cities hold an important contribution to the prospects for the sustainability of the planet. To what degree do urban cleanliness and roadwork activities contribute to a city’s environmental footprint?
The challenge of clean cities: a sensitive topic
Measuring the level of cleanliness makes it possible to commit to results, as opposed to the means implemented in a process of control and continuous improvement of quality.
Description of the Clean City Index
The Clean City Index is a method of objective measurement of the level of urban cleanliness.
Cortexia SA, Route de Vevey 91, 1618 Châtel-St-Denis, Switzerland
Our solutions enable both cities and businesses to manage urban cleanliness accurately and objectively, making cities more attractive and sustainable.